Thursday, 31 July 2014

Vedic Completion over : Marriage and "Change of Spouse"

Completion Process over Marriage and "Change of Spouse":

I thought on  types of marriage and applied the term " spouse change" on different types of marriage and found it applies to certain types of marriages and does not applies to others. In a deep implementation of Vedic Completion process over Phenomenon of Marriage, I come up with following keywords entered into my self discussion during completion process.

·                Marriage and the Rituals of Marriage
·                Marriage and the Mating
·                Mating and the Rituals of Marriage
·                Only Mating (Human)

This raised a question : What is Marriage? What is Marriage and the Love and What is Union? It Further provided me with following list:

·                Marriage : Love and the Mating, which makes a Union
·                Marriage :  Rituals of Marriage and the Mating
·                Only Mating  

Final List

1.      Marriage type 1: Love and Union
2.      Marriage type 2: Rituals of Marriage and certification for Mating
3.      Marriage type 3: Only Mating

Marriage type 2:   Rituals of Marriage and the Certification for Mating :

What is Rituals of Marriage and Certification of mating ?  

When ritual of marriage are conducted and it is declared that marriage have happened. Marriages can be termed as Rituals of Marriage. which  offers a certification for mating, to have family and raise up children. To have a social presence as married couple. The rituals of marriage can take place due to any reason like social protocols, for children, mating, wealth, money, diplomatic, social status, professional growth, materialistic growth, forcefully, accidentally, lust, or any other vested interest. The ritual of marriage can also take place due to emotions or feelings which are misunderstood as love, often feeling of lust are very easily misinterpreted as lust. After marriage when reasons of such misunderstood feelings disappear, marriage converts to mere arrangements of social protocol of a family. A marriage can also get converted into a mere ritualistic  arrangement if partners don't get along well or stop getting along well due to any temporary or permanent reason. This type of marriages commonly produces following breakage points.

·                Unsatisfied, Stressful individual in the relationship of marriage
·                Left alone individual in the relationship of marriage
·                Individuals exhausted of over responsibilities, loosing their natural flow of life.
·                Individuals running behind materialistic success leaving another partner and family.  
·                Sincere non changeable  reasons why a partner have to move out.

In such scenarios when the marriage have become a mere arrangement and not a volunteer companionship.. the phenomenon "Change of Spouse" may take place. But it is not always so because individual can also select not to join any one as a spouse again. they can also decide to live without mating.
How does type 2 marriage happens:  Type 2 marriages are essentially void of Love and responsibility along with love. In few cases of type 2 marriages we can see Integrity, authenticity, responsibility. We can also see some quantity of enrichment too, but enrichment is essentially low , while love is often not available. When a couple spend more time together, they start feeling habitual to each other, this habit is considered as love for most of the time. but being habitual of each other is not being into love, because to make habitual another person, an strategic mental conditioning can also be used. often we see couples practices Manipulations, Emotional blackmailing or giving NO Space to each other. Often they tries to rule other person, and manipulate them to make them fulfill their expectations. Man normally pick up fights, woman normally pick up crying when their expectations are not fulfilled, another person don't want to create a mess and fulfills the demand. 

Marriage is also : when rituals of ,marriage are performed with authenticity.
                        Only being authentic ensures fulfilling the commitment authentically with responsibility. So we must say Integrity, Authenticity and Responsibility can take place in this marriage in a happy scenario which is a marriage due to rituals. Factor of enriching each other may also be found . it may be in a good quantity or low. Often responsibilities takes priority then emotional fulfillment in such cases. But if both have tendency of enrich each other then it provide a very good possibility  to introduce Love and Care entering into Union of marriage. 

Type 1 Marriage : Love and Union:

LOVE  makes a marriage. Love makes Rituals of Marriage a Marriage. Such a relation which is completely void of the phenomenon of "Change of Spouse".

A Commitment to each other due to Love,  makes a Marriage and Rituals of Marriage a Marriage.

About Love which is involved in this commitment:
"Committing together due to Love" is committing together due to a feeling which is self existing, Self Sustaining for partner, even in absence of any response or efforts from their side.  Love is only that feeling which is self sustaining in absence of any proof, doubt, effort, or response from the person being loved. Love is self sustaining even if it is questioned or attempted to be hurt by the partner itself, in Love a person knows that the partner loves, and so it is free form all modifications.

Very important to note : "In a commitment together due to love" commitment can happen before the rituals of marriage or after the rituals of marriage.  How ever rituals of marriage are also completely optional . It is the commitment together which matters, ritual of marriage can be optional..
what more: even mating too . :)

Union of Consciousness:
A commitment from that feeling to each other makes Marriage a Union. More expectations free, self sustaining Love is involved between the partners, More strong is the bond of Marriage. The same becomes the Union of consciousness, Consciousness become One and is represented by two bodies.

Many of you would argue it is not possible to have such a love. I will only make you realize . most of us have realized  this very love with our spouse. This very marriage is popular here in this land of India.  Rituals came later. Every God represent the same bondage of marriage with their spouse. What More : In India we have those rituals , that help generating pure and conscious feelings about each other. Let us not take those details here, but a separate description can be prepared on these methods and rituals. Arrange marriages have been very popular in India, Arrange marriages have been very stable marriages too. Entire culture have evolved around stable and open relationships. This is the beauty of our culture.

Cosmic Significance of this Union

What is the Cosmic Significance of this Marriage:  Cosmic consciousness gets united and becomes one, or we say its only one cosmic consciousness which is represented in form of two bodies.  Let us assume this combined consciousness as one unit within entire cosmic consciousness.

When conscious fields joins together and very smoothly get dissolved into one combined filed of conscious ,  it simply get consistent with the harmony of the cosmic consciousness. It does not provide any disturbances or any in-completion into the cosmic existence. It is absorbed As it Is with in the cosmic conscious field and the combined consciousness of the married couple continues to be in sync with cosmic harmony. It  provide instant opportunity to expand further and radiate consistently. Maintaining harmony and peace in the space around , with who so ever come in contact feel pleasant and peaceful. 

We all know when we meet a loving and caring couple, we all feel good, and we never want to meet the nasty people who keep on fighting or messing around with each other.

Now what about Changing Spouse:  In the entire process of changing spouse,  many in-completion are introduced: within the partners: there are emotional hurting among each other, Children suffers from drastic in-completion and disturbances, Due to in-completion in Children, they tend to generate patterns which are further propagated in upcoming generations until they eventually evolve to meet a Guru. Families, Relative and Friends also receive in-completion, finally in case of divorce mostly there starts further cycle of social stress and concerns. it is involved with lies, blames, doubts, a complete package of huge in-completion which is enough for you to life.

This entire process generates disturbances in cosmic existence around us, generates in-completion, these in-completion generates patterns, and new disturbances are created in the cosmic existence. like the natural law , any disturbance moves into a direction of its settlement; to maintain harmony of the  system as a whole. All such disturbances too moves into direction of there settlement but if we see one split cause multiple disturbances and multiple movements. instead of instance opportunity to expand further we first enters into setting up circumstances around us. If we meditate closely all these movements are initiated by us only. because we got into a spouse change.

Does it mean that we must Not think of spouse change no matter how genuine our step is? Should we continue being a victim.

No.  neither we need to continue being a victim, nor we need to avoid our genuine requirement. It is completely our call to take a decision on what we want. All we can have a rough idea which type of movement we are creating around us and how will it progress. Cosmos is only fulfilling what we want. Cosmos never denies to generate any change around us. because it is self sustainable , self maintainable cosmic consciousness which always moves in direction of harmony, and it always remain in harmony.  Any disturbance is subsequently addressed to be settled down, yet at any moment cosmos always remains in harmony.  So its completely our call and we are free to take it.

How does it not impact at Cosmos, if we choose for a spouse change or not:

Cosmos is such an existence which is in harmony. which is self sustainable, self maintainable, and self destructible. even after destruction it is continuous existent. it is not so difficult to understand. we have seen many such analogy in our day to day life , in natural phenomenon that we can easily understand : how cosmos is always in harmony and yet consistently moves towards harmony. 
But as we have given an argument that spouse change generates disturbances / in-completion / movements in the cosmos so it must impact at cosmos.
No it does not impact. Infinite movements are being generated every moment and infinite movements are bring to rest at the very moment. It is just a course of a nature of cosmos. it does not impact at all.  Cosmic consciousness never resist any movement or any disturbance. We know cosmic bodies keep on changing its construction at any given point of time and space. All movements get settled, all movements make impacts and all movements give birth to new movements. This is very nature of cosmos. so it is never impacted and it never resist.
As you are the same cosmic consciousness represented by a  body so you are also not impacted ideally.

Then why Stable Marriage is preferred ?

Because it does not introduce any disturbance in our surrounding to which we all are connected. It does not bring any incompletion and does not push us into further cycle to settle that incompletion. we instantly experience an extended consciousness by a stable marriage. if every family would continue providing incompletion, it would increase the cycle of movements, anger, incompletion with in people and thus in society. hence it is preferred to  have peaceful stable relationship to experience higher expansion of  consciousness within society. If we are able to maintain harmonious couples it would provide happy children and happy cosmic consciousness around us.  That is why we all give stress on a stable marriage especially in India we give stress on stable and lasting relationships. We also stress upon comfortable presence of both of the partners with in the relationship, as we know it is not possible to maintain harmony if even if one of them is not comfortable consistently. So entire Indian society and Indian culture have evolved in a way where value is given to the healthy relationships. Not only between spouse but to every member of the family, relatives, friends and society.


As per need of the day we must promote stable relationships especially between the spouse. We must not promote split even in jokes. We must also stop cracking jokes on marriage relationships. Instead we must educate society for maintaining healthy and long lasting relationships. We must work together to bring stability at family level. It will contribute into more harmonious societies.

Author :
Akanksha Sharma.
Date -30 July 2014
Date - 31 July- 2014

Self enquiry Questions

Dependency of Marriage on Species type:
When Marriage is being referred as a Union, the distinguishing factor has been provided as Love and mutual commitment. Rituals of Marriage are also termed as Optional. So with the minimum requirement of commitment are mutual commitment b/w two bodies with self less and expectation less love.
Self less and expectation less love can also happen between different species types, In another optional point even mating is termed as optional.. so even if there is no Mating, yet self less expectation less love between two species is possible , will it be called marriage?

No we don't call it as a marriage.

In a cosmic blue print this also holds a meaning of binding between consciousness, love binds consciousness. But it will not be a marriage. Would it be a connection not the oneness?
Being a connection is not possible , because we claim supreme consciousness is only one, then it does not defined as connection, it only define oneness. 
If love between different species also leads us to oneness then what is difference between being a couple. Just like every other species, every other individual human can be treated, if we get connected out of love with them  then we all lead to oneness. then what is different in marriage?

For a Phenomenon of Marriage to happen, there are few fundamental assumptions in the society

Fundamental body specific criteria according to society.
·                Specie type should be same
·                Bodies of both of the partners should be mature : a toddlers body can not be married to a young and grown adult
·                It have been based on Genders too, but now we are also able to see same gender marriages in Human.

OK ..
Why do we have these type of body requirements  ---- 1.
We see normally all species follows these body requirements for mating ------2.
Cross Gender requirements ------ 3.

All three requirements points towards giving birth to offspring and Children. Giving birth to children is the fundamental reason of mating. Marriage is a fundamental institution of Controlled Mating within Human.

Controlled Mating?
Controlled mating : where human have restriction with whom relationship is to be established. A human can voluntarily declare with whom s/he want to have mating relationship, or society can make them relate to each other.

So: below 3 points are clear.
1.) Marriage is an invention of human around mating. Natural activity is  - Mating.
2.) Mating can have a phenomenon of Spouse change, or Partner change.
3.) Spouse change is allowed by the cosmos and It does not impact on cosmos at all.

Then what was the need of Controlled Mating? Why it was introduced?  

Phenomenon of Controlled Mating:

When wise man examined and conducted social experiments, they found  controlled mating brought more peace and focus to individual's mind. while the mating requirements are also fulfilled which are natural requirements of man and woman, It also introduce peace , security , predictability and stability to individual's mind.

Another reason of controlled mating was requirement of  togetherness due the sophisticated behaviour  of human baby. Mating produced human baby , but safety of that baby is required. Human baby takes more time to grow to become self capable, while mother too take more time to recover. Protection of mother and the baby made it required for human to figure out solution. Society became first solution. Controlled mating played a second major role. When a man committed to a woman, she become assured. She could become more creative and start managing family, wealth, raising children. She left the insecurity and started creating an establishment of her own with the man. growing wealth and assets.

This entire setup of a house, became more useful when human grew old, they were neither desirous and nor capable of mating. When they were desirous for support, love and togetherness during last days of life. This advanced setup , single partner , children , home and family become very useful. This is again an arrangement , but Cosmos had possibility of this arrangement too. The way Cosmos dont resist living alone, same way cosmos doesn't resist living in arrangements too. While households made their arrangements with kids, relatives friends, and families.. Saints made the arrangements in friends, Students, Ashrams and with various other methods.

This was a major step towards society and progress. It structured the society. With a more assured environment around, men and women found themselves more secure, more happy, expending in consciousness. Society become more stable.  An assured environment around all, made seekers to seek the phenomenon, Solution providers to provide solution for a more stable and established society. It worked. and so it came in practise.

The controlled mating and commitment was a phenomenon already existing in Cosmos. The moment commitment was introduced, consciousness become more harmonious and society too.  It was achievement of human that we explored this phenomenon and utilised it.

So controlled mating played an in important role in high consciousness, stability and harmony of individual and society. Though Cosmos does not resist change of spouse, but cosmos provide benefits for commitments too.

If phenomenon of Controlled mating or Commitment is natural and already existing in Cosmos, then it must also be followed by other species.

It is followed. Not necessary that any specific specie type have to have follow it, any two consciousness in body of any specie can also follow the phenomenon. I have myself witnessed a couple of Dog following one partner law strictly.  No body have ordered them to do it, but the couple live this way.

One partner mating brings more confidence in each other. partner become close to each other, share ups and downs of life. when both of them are gentle and ready to accept each other, they make a good couple and stable surroundings.

Controlled Mating and Commitment provide Structured society , Harmony, Peace and opportunity to become more creative. Yet the Change of Spouse is applicable in case commitment , untimely death of one of the partner. It create incompletion too , when most of the time step father or mother do not accept step children. or in case one of the partner or couple are not able to give birth to the children. or when they don't get along with each other.  In examples like such examples a human must seek for the change or partner.

Change of spouse is a phenomenon, which is being practiced in societies. Controlled mating does not resist change of spouse. It is flexible, yet the focus goes on Why this Change is required. Context of action takes an importance here.
How ever it is not essential to have a change of spouse too. like in case of step children, A parent can take a decision of raising the children alone without looking for a change of spouse.

Where come that Type1 marriage here then Union and Love: Controlled Mating does not implies to that.

Controlled mating does not imply Type 1 Marriage : but in a type 1 marriage only controlled mating is being followed. A couple voluntarily declares each other their only partners and live together, without seeking change of partner in any condition. they decide not to share their bodies for mating with others. and later gets a union in their consciousness.   Union of consciousness is achieved by this method, but finding union of consciousness is not  the goal of such a commitment. Goal of such an commitment is just to be with each other , Because this is what they desire for. Being Concerned , Caring for each other's requirements, feelings and ups and downs.. this is what they desire for. In process of being  with each other, they gets united. This is Union. With other relations, friends or love for other species body is not shared for various purposes. However the Marriage relation takes unique position as couple shares each and every space of their being with each other. They live comfortable in combined space.

If one of the partner keeps hidden space, doubts or non transparency in their space, it is not the complete sharing and oneness, or union. They have a black hole where there are chances of incompletion.  but when both of the partners have complete space, there is a Union.

So Marriage which makes two consciousness a complete Union is a relation where both of the partners have complete space. It is achieved by Love, Understanding, Compassion, Youthfulness, Transparency, Happiness and Experiencing life together. Not only both of them follows AIRE, they also goes beyond to live blissful and joyful.

In a Marriage when Volunteer Commitment have already happened , Change of spouse is not defined.

Does this NO Change of Spouse in such a volunteer commitments exist beyond life?
No Idea, But it existed in relation ship of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati. Its a mutual commitment to be with one. It will survive, because Cosmos fulfils what we want. When we want it to happen, it happens.

So What is the Out Come:
Its God to have stable relationship. Its easiest way to remain committed , love each other and experience oneness in Cosmos. Like we say Goddess is lord of tantra, why not we must say its an impactful technique to experience Love, Care and Bliss for man and woman. Its receiving blessings , fortune , wealth and Dharma together. With a combined consciousness, this is easiest way to make 1 and 1 : 11  instead of 2. :)

Stable marriage should be promoted. Incompletion from marriage should be worked out. How ever Cosmos provide us with both of the options, but with this one, we reap expansion in combined consciousness instantly. It is a choice of individual, to make a commitment up to this level or not, yet if made, society would also have good harmony and waves.

As an individual its beyond capacity of words to express : what it mean to have a loving and caring partner and a mutually committed marriage relationship. Its something like cosmic energies have taken shape to pamper us individually.   and we are blessed with our personnel consciousness to love and care for.

Means Being in love with each other and forgetting rest ?
No, being in love with each other and feeling responsible for others. This is what is Lela all God and Goddess Idols are shown doing. Being in love with each other and being responsible for entire society. Incorporating AIRE, with love compassion and bliss in all of our life and in life of children, is the outcome of Love and Union within the marriage.

My Outcome is. :

Stability, Loving and caring behaviour should be promoted in Marriage Relationship.
Jokes on marriage relation should Not be cracked, it may introduce incompletion.

Its a requirement of time that we must stop mocking marriage relationship and calling spouse as : Ghar Ki Daal, Ghaar Ka Chawal,.. or addressing by such type of words. We must promote and recreate true joy of being into a relationship with each other instead of communicating its boring or tasteless . If this would have been tasteless or boring : It could not have survived on earth for so long. 

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